A Royal Book Problem

Somehow I am never able to travel without coming back home with books. My bookshelves are completely full and I wouldn’t know where to put new ones anymore. But then you’re hanging around somewhere and they just have the greatest books that you absolutely must read. That happened of course when I was in and around Hannover, Germany, last week.

A friend of mine came to Hannover from Denmark, and on my request brought me “Kongehuset 2016”, the Danish yearbook. I have quite a lot of books from this series, so I did need it. I was a good girl in Hannover, but when on Sunday we visited Braunschweig (Brunswick), it turned out the tiny castle museum had some really great books. What I did buy was:

  • Ulrich Feldhahn, Königskinder in Fotografien um 1900 (Royal Children in Photos around 1900).
  • Schlossmuseum Braunschweig’s exhibition book Fürstentaufe Familientradition (Princely Christening Family Tradition).
  • Europas letztes Rendezvous. Die Hochzeit von Victoria Luise und Ernst August (Europes last rendezvous. The wedding of Victoria Luise and Ernst August), another book based on a small exhibition in the castle of Brunswick.

In my last hours in Hannover on Monday I managed to find another book, which I thought was interesting enough to buy. There were of course many other royal books around, but you just can’t buy everything. Sometimes it is not the best thing to be able to read the language all these books are written in (in this case German). I bought:

  • Helga-Maria Kühn, Katharina und Erich I., 1496-1524. Eine Fürsten-Ehe auf Augenhöhe (Katharina and Erich I., 1496-1524. A Princely Marriage on equal footing).

To be honest my mother asked on Facebook whether I still have place to receive guests in my house. I guess I have, but it isn’t long now before I really have to sell some less interesting books or find another solution (moving to a much bigger place or so). Oh yes, and if you wonder what that tiny pink thing is in the middle of the books: it is a magnet saying “Always a Princess”. Couldn’t resist buying it at Herrenhausen, even when it was from the children’s department of the palace.

2 thoughts on “A Royal Book Problem

  1. “it isn’t long now before I really have to sell some less interesting books or find another solution”

    Another alternative: You could rent a room in a small storage facility and store the less interesting books there.

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