The wedding of the Prince of Asturias and Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano

Madrid, Spain, 22 May 2004


My friend Christine and I had already arrived in Madrid on Monday, travelling from Copenhagen via Amsterdam to Spain, so we had lots of days left to do some sightseeing. Unfortunately the royal palace, cathedral and Atocha church were already closed for public. In the days before the wedding Christine and I saw preparations for the wedding being carried out and decoration was added in the streets everywhere. 500.000 posters of the royal marriage were distributed in Spain and hung in thousands of shopwindows in Madrid. We managed to get one at the tourist office on the Plaza Mayor.

Dinner at El Pardo, 21 May 2004

  • 19:45: The guests arrived. At the Central Courtyard they were greeted by King Juan Carlos I of Spain, Queen Sofia of Spain, the Prince of Asturias, Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano, Mr Jesús Ortiz, Mrs Paloma Rocasolano, Infanta Elena of Spain, the Duke of Lugo, Infanta Cristina of Spain and the Duke of Palma de Mallorca. The guests went to the Courtyard of the Habsburgs, where they were served an aperitif.
  • 21:00: Dinner was served in the Courtyard of the Bourbons.

During the dinner the Musical Unit of the Royal Guard performed different musical compositions in the Courtyard of the Habsburgs.


Decoration at the Central Patio: Four ensigns with reproductions of the coats of arms of the Spanish kings Felipe V, Alfonso XII, Carlos IV and Felipe II. They hung from the balconies overlooking the patio. Two tapestries of the series “Children collecting the grapes”.

Decoration at the Habsburg Patio: Tapestries from the series “Grottesco with monkeys”, Tapestry from the series “Don Quixote” entitled “Adventure of the rams”.

Decoration at the Bourbon Patio: Red and blue ensigns with the initials FL hung from the balconies.


The menu was prepared by Juan María Arzak and Ferrán Adriá, with the support of Francisco Roncero.

Assorted Appetisers
Asparagus Tips from Tudela with Summer Truffle and their Soup
Monkfish with Baby Broad Beans in Mint, Iberian Tomato Ravioli and Sherry Vinegar
Duck Breast Marinated in Red Wine, Lemon Purée
Chocolate, Coconut, Red Berries with Citrus Sorbet
Clarión Viñas del Vero (Somontano Aragón)
Milmanda Torres (Cuenca la Barberá) – White
Chivite colección 125 (D.O. Navarra) – White
Matarromera (Ribera del Duero) – Red
M.R. Moscatel (D.O. Málaga)

Wedding day, 22 May 2004

  • 9:15 – The guests start to arrive
  • 10:45 – Royal Cortege leaves the Royal Palace via the King’s Door
  • 11:00 – The mass starts
  • 12:15 – The newly wed couple leaves the cathedral
  • 13:10 – Bride and groom arrive at the Royal Basilica of Atocha
  • 13:40 – Bride and groom arrive at the Royal Palace: balcony scene
  • 14:30 – State Banquet in the Prince’s Courtyard

In the vicinity of the Royal Palace a Company-type Unit of the Royal Guard was lined up

The Royal Cortege left the Royal Palace by the King’s Door. The route from the Royal Palace to the La Almudena Cathedral was lined by the Lancer Section of the Royal Escort Squadron of the Royal Guard. Furthermore the Halberdier Section was located at different spots at the Royal Palace and the La Almudena Cathedral. The Honours Group of the Halberdiers lined up at the square in front of the cathedral rendering honours with the Royal Guards from the Monteros de Espinosa Company of the Army, the Mar Océano Company of the Marine Corps and the Plus Ultra Unit of the Air Force.

An officer of the Halberdiers – who are traditionally responsible for the indoor guard – followed by four Halberdiers, headed the Royal Cortege, which was formed by:

  • Infante Carlos and Infanta Anne of Spain (Duke and Duchess of Calabria)
  • Infanta Margarita of Spain Duchess of Soria and the Duke of Soria
  • Infanta Cristina Duchess of Palma de Mallorca and the Duke of Palma de Mallorca
  • Infanta Elena Duchess of Lugo and the Duke of Lugo
  • King Juan Carlos I of Spain and Infanta Pilar Duchess of Badajoz
  • Queen Sofia of Spain and the Prince of Asturias

Behind were the Master of the Royal Household, the Head of the Military Branch of H.M. The King’s Household and the Chief of Protocol.

Bringing up the rear of the Royal Cortege were two Halberdiers.

Unfortunately it started raining heavily at the moment the bride was going to leave the Royal Palace. A car was driven to the King’s Door, and pages, flower girls, bridesmaids and also the bride Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano and her father Jesús Ortiz Álvarez were driven to the cathedral to the big disappointment of the people outside who had been waiting for hours to see the bride.

Placing in the Cathedral

The Spanish royal family was seated at the left of the altar.

At the right of the altar the family of the bride was seated as well as the witnesses for bride and groom.

The Cardinal Archbishop of Madrid was in the Episcopal Throne on the right of the altar.

The Apostolic Nuncio of His Holiness The Pope, the Cardinals of Barcelona Mgr Ricardo Maria Carles and of Sevilla Mgr Carlos Amigo, the Archbishop of Oviedo Carlos Osoro, the Chaplain General to the Armed Forces Archbishop Francisco Pérez González, the Chaplain General Emeritus Mgr José Manuel Estepa Llaurens, and the Auxiliary Bishops of Madrid stood behind the altar in the centre.

To the right of the altar were the Abbot of Poblet, the Prior of El Escorial and the Abbot of Covadonga.

Order of service

Celebración del Sacramento del Matrimonio de Su Alteza Real El Príncipe de Asturias con Doña Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano

Catedral de Santa María la Real de la Almudena, 22 de Mayo de 2004

Bendecido por el Emmo. y Rvdmo. Sr. Don Antonio María Rouco Varela Cardenal Arzobispo de Madrid

Coro Nacional de España
Orquesta Sinfónica de Radiotelevisión Española
Director: Jesús López Cobos
Organista: Roberto Fresco

I – Ritos iniciales

Cardenal Arzobispo: En el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo y del Espiritu Santo.
Asamblea: Amén


Cardenal Arzobispo: La paz esté con vosotros.
Asamblea: Y con tu espiritu

Monición inicial

Cardenal Arzobispo:

Nos hemos reunido en el nombre del Señor, para celebrar la unión en santo Matrimonio de Su Alteza Real Don Felipe de Borbón y Grecia, Príncipe de Asturias, de Girona y de Viana, Duque de Montblanc, Conde de Cervera y Señor de Balaguer y Doña Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano.

Aclamemos y demos gracias a Dios con el canto del Gloria:

Canto del Gloria – Misa Pro Victoria (Tomás Luis de Victoria)

Gloría in excélsis Deo (Gloria a Dios en el cielo),
et in terra pax hominibus (y en la tierra paz a los hombres)
bonae voluntatis (que ama el Señor).
Laudámus te, benedicimus te (Por tu inmensa gloria),
adorámus te, glorificámus te (te alabamos, te bendecimos),
grátias ágimus tibi propter (te adoramos, te glorificamos)
magnam glóriam tuam (te damos gracias),
Dómine Deus, Rex caeléstis (Señor Dios, Rey celestial),
Deus Pater omnípotens (Dios Padre todopoderoso).
Dómine Fili unigénite (Señor Hijo único),
Iesu Christe (Jesucristo),
Dómine Deus, Agnus Dei (Señor Dios, Cordero de Dios),
Filius Patris (Hijo del Padre),
qui tollis peccáta mundi (tú que quitas el pecado del mundo),
miserére nobis (ten piedad de nosotros);
qui tollis peccáta mundi (tú que quitas el pecado del mundo),
súscipe deprecatiónem nostram (atiende nuestra súplica).
Qui sedes ad déxteram Patris (tú que estás sentado a la derecha del Padre),
miserére nobis (ten piedad de nosotros).
Quóniam tu solus Sanctus (Porque sólo tú eres Santo),
tu solus Dóminus (sólo tú Señor),
tu solus Altíssimus (sólo tú Altísimo),
Iesu Christe (Jesucristo),
cum Sancto Spíritu (con el Espíritu Santo):
In glória Dei Patris (en la gloria de Dios Padre).
Amen (Amén).

Oración Colecta
Cardenal Arzobispo:


Oh Dios,
que llenas con tu bendición
todo lo que es bueno,
bendice a estos hijos tuyos
que hoy unen sus vidas en santo Matrimonio.
Por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo,
que vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espíritu Santo
y es Dios por los siglos de los siglos.

Asamblea: Amén

II – Liturgia de la Palabra

Primera Lectura – Lectura del Libro de Tobías (7,9c-10. 11c-17)

En aquellos días, Tobías dijo a Ragüel que lo invitaba a sentarse a comer:
– No comeré aquí hoy y no beberé, si no respondes a mi pregunta y me prometes que me darás a tu hija Sara.
Como Ragüel dudaba y no daba respuesta a Tobías, el ángel Rafael le dijo:
– No temas dar tu hija a Tobías; él es fiel a Dios y con él se debe casar tu hija. Por esto ningún otro puede casarse con ella.
Ragüel contestó:
– Ahora me doy cuenta que Dios ha escuchado mi oración y mis lágrimas y que os ha conducido a los dos hasta mí, a fin de que mi hija se case con un hombre de su tribu, según la ley de Moisés. Y ahora, Tobías, no vaciles: te la entrego.
Tomó Ragüel la mano derecha de su hija y la puso en la de Tobías, diciendo:
– El Dios de Abrahán, el Dios de Isaac, el Dios de Jacob esté con vosotros. Que él os una y que os colme de su bendición.
Y en una hoja se hizo el acta del matrimonio.
Después hicieron el banquete de bodas, bendiciendo a Dios.
Palabra de Dios.

Asamblea: Te alabamos, Señor.

Salmo Responsorial – Salmo 33, 2-3. 4-5 – 6-7.

Coro: Bendigo al Señor en todo momento.

Asamblea: Bendigo al Señor en todo momento.

Coro: Bendigo al Señor en todo momento,
su alabanza está siempre en mi boca;
mi alma se gloría en el Señor:
que los humildes lo escuchen y se alegren.

Asamblea: Bendigo al Señor en todo momento.

Coro: Proclamad conmigo la misericordia del Señor,
ensalcemos juntos su nombre.
Yo consulté al Señor y me respondió,
me libró de todas mis ansias.

Asamblea: Bendigo al Señor en todo momento.

Coro: Contempladlo y quedaréis radiantes,
vuestro rostro no se avergonzará.
Si el afligido invoca al Señor, él lo escucha
y lo salva de sus angustias.

Asamblea: Bendigo al Señor en todo momento.

Segunda Lectura – Lectura de la primera carta del Apóstol San Pablo a los Corintios (12, 31-13, 8a)


Ambicionad los carismas mejores. Y aún os voy a mostrar un camino mejor.
Ya podría yo hablar las lenguas de los hombres y de los ángeles; si no tengo amor, no soy más que un metal que resuena o unos platillos que aturden.
Ya podría tener el don de predicación y conocer todos los secretos y todo el saber; podría tener una fe como para mover montañas; si no tengo amor, no soy nada.
Podría repartir en limosna todo lo que tengo y aún dejarme quemar vivo; si no tengo amor, de nada me sirve.
El amor es comprensivo, el amor es servicial y no tiene envidia; el amor no presume ni se engríe; no es mal educado ni egoístal; no se irrita, no lleva cuentas del mal; no se alegra de la injusticia, sino que goza con la verdad.
Disculpa sin límites, cree sin límites, espera sin límites, aguanta sin límites.
El amor no pasa nunca.
Palabra de Dios.
Asamblea: Te alabamos, Señor.

Aleluya y versículo antes del evangelio – Aleluya (Cristóbal de Morales)


Quien permanece en el amor,
permanece en Dios y Dios en él. (I Jn. 4,16)



Diácono: El Señor esté con vosotros.
Asamblea: Y con tu espíritu.
Diácono: Lectura del Santo Evangelio según San Juan (2,1-11)
Asamblea: Gloria a ti Señor.
Diácono: En aquel tiempo, había una boda en Caná de Galilea y la madre de Jesús estaba allí; Jesús y sus discípulos estaban también invitados a la boda.

Faltó el vino, y la madre de Jesús le dice:
– No les queda vino.
Jesús le contesta:
– Mujer, déjame: todavía no ha llegado mi hora.
Su madre dice a los sirvientes:
– Haced lo que él os diga.
Había allí colocadas seis tinajas de piedra, para las purificaciones de los judíos, de unos cien litros cada una.
Jesús les dice:
– Llenad las tinajas de agua.
Y las llenaron hasta arriba.
Entonces les manda:
– Sacad ahora y llevádselo al mayordomo.
Ellos se lo llevaron. El mayordomo probó el agua convertida en vino, sin saber de dónde venía (los sirvientes sí lo sabían, pues habían sacado el agua), y entonces llama al novio y le dice:
– Todo el mundo pone primero el vino bueno, y cuando ya están bebidos el malo; tú, en cambio, has guardado el vino bueno hasta ahora.
Así, en Caná de Galilea, Jesús comenzó sus signos, manifestó su gloria y creció la fe de sus discípulos en él.
Palabra del Señor.

Asamblea: Gloria a ti, Señor Jesús.


Unfortunately I don’t have the text.

III – Rito del Matrimonio


El Cardenal Arzobispo se dirige a los novios con estas palabras:

Queridos hermanos:
Etamos aquí, junto al altar, para que Dios garantice con su gracia vuestra voluntad de contraer Matrimonio ante el ministro de la Iglesia y la comunidad cristiana ahora reunida.

Cristo bendice copiosamente vuestro amor conyugal, y él, que os consagró un día con el santo Bautismo, os enriquece hoy y os da fuerza con un Sacramento peculiar para que os guardéis mutua y perpetua fidelidad y podáis cumplir las demás obligaciones del Matrimonio.

Por tanto, ante esta asamblea, os pregunto sobre vuestra intención.


El Cardenal Arzobispo pregunta a los contrayentes:

Don Felipe de Borbón y Grecia, Príncipe de Asturias y Doña Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano, venís a contraer matrimonio sin ser coaccionados, libre y voluntariamente?

Contrayentes: Sí, venimos libremente.

Cardenal Arzobispo: Estáis decididos a amaros y respetaros mutuamente durante toda la vida?

Contrayentes: Sí, estamos decididos.

Cardenal Arzobispo: Estáis dispuestos a recibir de Dios responsable y amorosamente los hijos, y a educarlos según la Ley de Cristo y su Iglesia?

Contrayentes: Sí, estamos dispuestos.


El Cardenal Arzobispo los invita a expresar su consentimiento con estas palabras:
Asi, pues, ya que queréis contraer santo Matrimonio, unid vuestras manos, y manifestad vuestro consentimiento ante Dios y su Iglesia.

Los contrayentes se dan la mano derecha.
El esposo: Yo, Felipe, te recibo a ti, Letizia, como esposa
y me entrego a ti,
y prometo serte fiel
en la prosperidad y en la adversidad,
en la salud y en la enfermedad,
todos los días de mi vida.

La esposa: Yo, Letizia, te recibo a ti, Felipe, como esposo
y me entrego a ti,
y prometo serte fiel
en la prosperidad y en la adversidad,
en la salud y en la enfermedad,
todos los días de mi vida.

El Cardenal Arzobispo confirma el consentimiento, y dice a los esposos:
El Dios de Abrahán,
el Dios de Isaac,
el Dios de Jacob,
el Dios que unió a nuestros primeros padres en el paraíso
confirme este consentimiento mutuo
que os habéis manifestado ante la Iglesia
y, en Cristo, os dé su bendición,
de forma que lo que Dios ha unido,
no lo separe el hombre.

Aclamación de la asamblea

El Cardenal Arzobispo invita a los presentes a alabar a Dios:
Bendigamos al Señor.
Asamblea: Demos gracias a Dios.

Bendición y entrega de los Anillos

El Cardenal Arzobispo bendice los anillos diciendo:
El Señor bendiga estos anillos
que vais a entregaros uno al otro
en señal de amor y de fidelidad.

Asemblea: Amén.

El Cardenal Arzobispo asperja los anillos y los entrega a los esposos.

El esposo introduce en el dedo anular de la esposa el anillo a ella destinado, diciendo:
Letizia, recibe esta alianza,
en señal de mi amor y fdelidad a ti.
En el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo.

Asimismo la esposa introduce en el dedo anular del esposo el anillo a él destinado, diciendo:
Felipe, recibe esta alianza,
en señal de mi amor y fidelidad a ti.
En el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo.

Bendición y entrega de las arras

El Cardenal Arzobispo bendice las arras diciendo:
Bendice, Señor, estas arras,
que Don Felipe y Doña Letizia se entregan,
y derrama sobre ellos la abundancia de tus bienes.

El esposo toma las arras y las entrega a la esposa, diciendo:
Letizia, recibe estas arras
como prenda de la bendición de Dios
y signo de los bienes que vamos a compartir.

El esposa igualmente las entrega al esposo, diciendo:
Letizia, recibe estas arras
como prenda de la bendición de Dios
y signo de los bienes que vamos a compartir.

Cardenal Arzobispo:
Oremos, hermanos, por la necesidades de la santa Iglesia y de todo el mundo, y encomendemos especialmente a nuestros hermanos Felipe y Letizia, que acaban de celebrar con gozo su Matrimonio.

Por la santa Iglesia,
para que Dios le conceda
ser siempre la esposa fiel de Jesucristo.

Cantor: Roguemos al Señor.

Coro y asamblea: Kyrie, eleison.

Por España y todos los pueblos del mundo,
para que vivan en paz,
cesen los conflictos y los actos terroristas,
desaparezcan las injusticias,
y brote por todas partes el amor y la concordia.

Cantor: Roguemos al Señor.

Coro y asamblea: Kyrie, eleison.

Por los nuevos esposos, Felipe y Letizia:
para que el Espíritu Santo los llene con su gracia,
y haga de su unión un signo vivo
del amor de Jesucristo a su Iglesia.

Cantor: Roguemos al Señor.

Coro y asamblea: Kyrie, eleison. D

Por todas las familias del mundo,
principalmente por la que sufren por cualquier causa
o tienen graves dificultades,
para que encuentren en Dios y en los hermanos,
ayuda y fortaleza.

Cantor: Roguemos al Señor.

Coro y asamblea: Kyrie, eleison.

Por los abuelos y familiares difuntos de los contrayentes que han muerto en la esperanza de la Resurrección,
para que Cristo los acoja en su Reino
y los revista de gloria y de inmortalidad.

Cantor: Roguemos al Señor.

Coro y asamblea: Kyrie, eleison.

Cardenal Arzobispo:
Escucha, Padre de bondad, nuestra oración
y concede a tus hijos Felipe y Letizia
que confian en ti,
conseguir los dones de tu gracia,
conservar el amor en la unidad
y llegar con su descendencia,
después de esta vida,
al reino eterno.
Por Jesucristo nuestro Señor.

Asamblea: Amén.

IV – Liturgia Eucarística

Presentaciön de las Ofrendas – Sacta María (W.A. Mozart, Kv 273)

Cardenal Arzobispo:
Bendito seas, Señor, Dios del universo,
por este pan,
fruto de la tierra y del trabajo del hombre,
que recibimos de tu generosidad
y ahora te presentamos;
él será para nosotros pan de vida.

Asamblea: Bendito seas por siempre, Señor.

Cardenal Arzobispo:
Bendito seas, Señor, Dios del universo,
por este vino,
fruto de la vid y del trabajo del hombre,
que recibimos de tu generosidad
y ahora te presentamos;
él será para nosotros bebida de salvación.

Asamblea: Bendito seas por siempre, Señor.

Después de preparar los dones sobre el altar, el Cardinal Arzobispo invita al pueblo a orar, diciendo:
Orad, hermanos,
para que este sacrificio, mío y vuestro,
sea agradable a Dios, Padre todopoderoso.

El Señor reciba de tus manos este sacrificio,
para alabanza y gloria de su nombre,
para nuestro bien
y el de toda su santa Iglesia.

Cardenal Arzobispo:
Recibe, Señor, el sacrificio que te ofrecemos
por éstos que hoy se unen en santo Matrimonio
y, ya que los has bendecido,
guárdalos en tu amor.
Por Jesucristo nuestro Señor.

Asamblea: Amén.


Cardenal Arzobispo: El Señor esté con vosotros.

Asamblea: Y con tu espíritu.

Cardenal Arzobispo: Levantemos el corazón.

Asamblea: Lo tenemos levantado hacia el Señor.

Cardenal Arzobispo: Demos gracias al Señor, nuestro Dios.

Asamblea: Es justo y necesario.

Cardenal Arzobispo:
En verdad es justo y necesario,
es nuestro deber y salvación,
darte gracias
siempre y en todo lugar,
Señor, Padre santo,
Dios todopoderoso y eterno.

Porque al hombre, creado por tu bondad,
lo dignificaste tanto,
que has dejado la imagen de tu propio amor
en la unión del varón y de la mujer.

Y al que creaste por amor
y al amor llamas,
le concedes participar en tu amor eterno.

Y así, el sacramento de estos desposorios,
signo de tu caridad,
consagra el amor humano,
por Cristo, Señor nuestro.

Por eso,
con los ángeles y los santos
cantamos sin cesar el himno de tu gloria:

Sanctus – Misa pro Victoria (Tomás Luis de Victoria)

Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dóminus (Santo, Santo, Santo es el Señor),
Deus Sábaoth (Dios del Universo).
Pleni sunt caeli et terra glória tua (Llenos están el cielo y la tierra de tu gloria).
Hosánna in excélsis (Hosanna en el cielo).
Benedictus qui venit in nómine Dómini (Bendito el que viene en nombre del Señor).
Hosánna in excélsis (Hosanna en el cielo).

Plegaria Eucarística

Cardenal Arzobispo:
Santo eres en verdad, Padre,
y con razón te alaban todas tus criaturas
ya que por Jesucristo, tu Hijo, Señor nuestro,
con la fuerza del Espíritu Santo,
das vida y santificas todo,
y congregas a tu pueblo sin cesar,
para que ofrezca en tu honor
un sacrificio sin mancha
desde donde sale el sol hasta el ocaso.

Por eso, Padre, te suplicamos
que santifiques por el mismo Espíritu
estos dones que hermos separado para ti,
de manera que sean

Cuerpo y Sangre de Jesucristo,
Hijo tuyo y Señor nuestro,
que nos mandó celebrar estos misterios.

Porque él mismo,
la noche en que iba a ser entregado,
tomó pan,
y dando gracias te bendijo,
los partió
y lo dio a sus discípulos, diciendo:

Tomad y comed todos de él,
porque esto es mi Cuerpo,
que será entregado por vosotros.

Del mismo modo acabada la cena,
tomó el cáliz, dando gracias te bendijo,
y lo pasó a sus discípulos, diciendo:

Tomad y bebed todos de él,
porque éste es el cáliz de mi Sangre,
Sangre de la alianza nueva y eterna,
que será derramada por vosotros
y por todos los hombres
para el perdón de los pecados.
Haced esto en conmemoración mía.

Cardenal Arzobispo:
Éste es el Sacramento de nuestra fe.

Anunciamos tu muerte,
proclamamos tu resurrección.
Ven, Señor Jesús!

Cardenal Arzobispo:
Así, pues, Padre,
al celebrar ahora el memorial
de la pasión salvadora de tu Hijo,
de su admirable resurrección y ascensión al cielo,
mientras esperamos su venida gloriosa,
te ofrecemos, en esta acción de gracias,
el sacrificio vivo y santo.

Dirige tu mirada sobre la ofrenda de tu Iglesia,
y reconoce en ella la Víctima
por cuya inmolación quisiste devolvernos tu amistad,
para que,
fortalecidos con el Cuerpo y la Sangre de tu Hijo
y llenos de su Espíritu Santo,
formemos en Cristo un solo cuerpo y un solo espíritu.

Que él nos transforme en ofrenda permanente,
para que gocemos de tu heredad junto con tus elegidos:
con María, la Virgen Madre de Dios;
los apóstoles y los mártires,
San Fernando, Santa Teresa de Jesús,
San Isidro, y todos los santos,
por cuya intercesión
confiamos obtener siempre tu ayuda.

Te pedimos, Padre,
que esta Víctima de reconciliación
traiga la paz y la salvación al mundo entero.
Confirma en la fe y en la caridad
a tu Iglesia, peregrina en la tierra:
a tu servidor, el Papa Juan Pablo,
a mí, indigno siervo tuyo,
al orden episcopal, a los presbíteros y diáconos,
y a todo el pueblo redimido por ti.

Ayuda a tus hijos Felipe y Letizia,
que en Cristo hoy han fundado una nueva familia,
Iglesia doméstica y sacramento de tu amor,
y concédeles que la gracia de este día
se prolongue a lo largo de toda su vida.

Atiende los deseos y súplicas de esta familia
que has congregado en tu presencia.

Reúne en torno a ti, Padre misericordioso
a todos tus hijos dispersos por el mundo.

A nuestros hermanos difuntos
y a cuantos murieron en tu amistad
recíbelos en tu reino,
donde esperamos gozar todos juntos
de la plenitud eterna de tu gloria,
por Cristo, Señor nuestro,
por quien concedes al mundo todos los bienes.

Por Cristo, con él y en él,
a ti, Dios Padre omnipotente,
en la unidad del Espíritu Santo,
todo honor y toda gloria por los siglos de los siglos

Coro y asamblea: Amén.

Oración del Señor

Cardenal Arzobispo:
Praeceptis salutaribus moniti (Fieles a la recomendación del Salvador),
et divina institutione formati (y siguiendo su divina enseñanza),
audemus dicere (nos atrevemos a decir):

Pater noster, qui es in caelis (Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo),
sanctificétur nomen tuum (santificado sea tu Nombre), advéniat regnum tuum (venga a nosostros tu reino),
fiat volúntas tua (hágase tu voluntad),
sicut in caelo et in terra (en la tierra como en el cielo).
Panem nostrum cotidiánum (danos hoy nuestro)
da nobid hódie (pan de cada día),
et dimitte nobis debita nostra (perdona nuestras ofensas),
sicut et nos dimíttimus (como también nosostros)
debitóribus nostris (perdonamos a los que nos ofenden),
et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem (no nos dejes caer en la tentación),
sed libera nos a malo (y líbranos del mal).

Bendición sobre los Esposos

Cardenal Arzobispo:
Invoquemos, hermanos,
sobre estos esposos la bendición de Dios,
para que proteja con su auxilio
a quienes ha unido en el sacramento del Matrimonio.

Todos, durante unos momentos, oran en silencio.

Cardenal Arzobispo:
Padre santo, autor del universo,
que creaste al hombre y la mujer a tu imagen,
y has bendecido la unión matrimonial.
Te rogamos humildemente por estos hijos tuyos
que hoy se unen en alianza de bodas.

Descienda Señor, sobre esta esposa Letizia
y sobre su esposo Felipe
tu abundante bendición,
y que la gracia de tu Espíritu Santo
inflame desde el cielo sus corazones,
para que en el gozo de su mutua entrega
se vean rodeados de hijos,
riqueza de la Iglesia.

Que en la alegría te alaben, Señor,
y en la tristeza te busquen;
en el trabajo encuentren el gozo de tu ayuda
y en la necesidad sientan cercano tu consuelo;
que participen en la oración de tu Iglesia,
y den testimonio de ti entre los hombres;
y, después de una feliz ancianidad,
lleguen al reino de los cielos con estos amigos,
que hoy les acompañan.
Por Jesucristo, nuestro Señor.

Asamblea: Amén.

Rito de la Paz

Cardenal Arzobispo:
La paz del Señor
esté siempre con vosotros.

Asamblea: Y con tu espíritu

Canto del Agnus Dei: Misa pro Victoria (Tomás Luis de Victoria)

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi (Cordero de Dios, que quitas el pecado del mundo):
Miserére nobis (ten piedad de nosotros).

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi (Cordero de Dios, que quitas el pecado del mundo):
Miserére nobis (ten piedad de nosotros).

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi (Cordero de Dios, que quitas el pecado del mundo):
Dona nobis pacem (danos la paz).

Después de la fracción del pan, el Cardenal Arzobispo dice:
Éste es el Cordero de Dios,
que quita el pecado del mundo.
Dichosos los invitados a la cena del Señor.

Señor, no soy digno
de que entres en mi casa,
pero una palabra tuya
bastará para sanarme.

Cantos durante la comunión: Tantum Ergo KV 197 (W.A. Mozart), O Salutaris (Arriaga), Pan Divino (Guerrero)

Oración después de la comunión

Cardenal Arzobispo:
Después de participar en tu mesa, Señor,
te pedimos por Felipe y Letizia,
que hoy se han unido en santo Matrimonio,
para que te sean siempre fieles
y sean testigos de tu amor.
Por Jesucristo nuestro Señor.

Asamblea: Amén

V – Ritos de Conclusión

Canto del Regina Coeli: Regina Coeli (Tomás Luis de Victoria)

Cardenal Arzobispo:
Confiamos a nuestra madre y patrona Santa María la Real de la Almudena la alegría de Don Felipe y de Doña Letizia, y la de todos los que hemos participado en esta celebración. Al igual que en las bodas de Caná, la Reina del cielo ruega hoy a su Hijo por las necesidades de los nuevos esposos.

Unámonos a todas las generaciones en el saludo litúrgico y la súplica pascual a la que es causa de nuestra alegría.

Regína caeli, laetáre (Reina del cielo alégrate),
allelúia (aleluya).

Quia quem meruísti portáre (Porque el Señor, a quien mereciste llevar),
allelúia (aleluya),

resurréxit, sicut dixit (ha resucitado, según su palabra),
allelúia (aleluya).

Ora pro nobis Deum (Ruega al Señor por nosotros),
allelúia (aleluya).


Cardenal Arzobispo: El Señor esté con vosotros.

Asamblea: Y con tu espíritu.

Cardenal Arzobispo:
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo,
que santificó con su presencia las bodas de Caná,
os conceda a vosotros,
y a vuestros familiares y amigos,
su bendición.

Asamblea: Amén.

Cardenal Arzobispo:
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo,
que amó a su Iglesia hasta el extremo,
os conceda amaros el uno al otro de la misma manera.

Asamblea: Amén.

Cardenal Arzobispo:
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo os conceda
ser testigos fieles de su resurrección en el mundo
y esperar con alegría su venida gloriosa.

Asamblea: Amén.

Cardenal Arzobispo:
Y la bendición de Dios todopoderoso
Padre, Hijo
y Espíritu Santo
descienda sobre vosotros.

Asamblea: Amén.

Firma del Acta Matrimonial

La Asamblea se sienta mientras se procede a las firmas del acta matrimonial.

Lobe den Herrn, Meine Seele (Cantata no 69 de J.S. Bach)


Finalizada la firma, todos se ponen de pie y uno de los Diáconos despide al pueblo diciendo:

Podéis ir en paz.

Asamblea: Demos gracias a Dios.

Aclamación final: Aleluya – El Mesías (G.F. Haendel, H.W.V. 56)

Hallelujah, for the Lord God
omnipotent reigneth.
The Kingdom of this world
is become the Kingdom of our Lord
and He shall reign for ever and ever
King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.

Aleluya, Aleluya, Aleluya,
pues el Señor Dios omnipotente reina.
El reino de este mundo se ha
transformado en el reino de nuestro Señor
y de Su Cristo;
Él reinará por los siglos de los siglos,
Rey de los Reyes y Señor de los Señores

Departure of the guests

Prelude pro Organo Pleno.
Meine Seele erhebet den Herren, BWV 648 Coral
Ach bleib bei uns Herr Jesu Christ, BMV 649 Coral by Johann Sebastian Bach

Arrhae used at the ceremony

The arrhae or confirmatory coins used in the solemnisation of the wedding were 13 golden coins from the collection of the Bank of Spain. The eldest coin is from the times of the Catholic monarchs, the most recent from the reign of King Alfonso XIII. They cover the periods, dynasties and kings of Spain from the unification by Queen Isabel of Castile and King Ferdinand of Aragon to King Alfonso XIII, grandfather of the present king Juan Carlos I. After the wedding ceremony the coins were returned to the Bank of Spain. An ‘excelente’ coined at Toledo in 1497, during the reign of the Catholic Monarchs. An ‘escudo’ of King Carlos V produced in Toledo. Five two-‘escodos’ issued during the reigns of King Felipe V, King Fernando VI, King Carlos IV and King Fernando VII. Three coins from the reign of Queen Isabel II: an 80-‘reales’ coin, a 100-‘reales’ coin and a 10-‘escudos’ coin, which was recovered from the 16th century by the Queen. One four-‘pesos’ coin from the times of King Alfonso XII, and two Alfonso XIII twenty-‘pesetas’ coins, the latest being issued in 1899.

The arrhae reflect ancestral traditions dating back to the Roman Empire. They were later included in the legal codes there as well as in the Germanic and Visigothic law. Their use became established in Spain in the Middle Ages and they symbolize the good economy of the future home. The groom handing them over to the bride represents that the material assets of the marriage will be shared by the couple.

Decoration of the cathedral

The cathedral was decorated with white flowers and green plants, as well as the following series of tapestries: “The Honours” series, representing the virtues of human beings, among them ‘faith’. “The Creation” series, depicting scenes from the Old Testament’s Genesis. “The Acts of the Apostles” series, portraying the installment of Saint Paul. “The Eucharist” series – ‘The Excaltation of the Eucharist’. “The Story of Joseph, David and Solomon”.

Service at the Royal Basilica of Atocha

While the guests walked to the Royal Palace, the Royal Guard Musical Unit in front of the palace played military marches and other musical pieces. The Prince and Princess of Asturias left the royal palace via the Prince’s Door and went to the Royal Basilica of Atocha by car. The car in which bride and groom drove to the Royal Basilica of Atocha was a Rolls-Royce Phantom IV (Cabriolet, convertible) which was purchased in 1952.The route was lined by a company of the Royal Guard. From the Royal Palace to the Plaza de Cibeles and on the way back from the Royal Basilica of Atocha to the Royal Palace the car with bride and groom was escorted by a motorised escort of the Motorcycle Section of the Royal Guard on Harley-Davidsons. The Royal Escort Squadron of the Royal Guard provided mounted escort from the Plaza de Cibeles to the Royal Basilica of Our Lady of Atocha bearing the Guidon of the Prince of the Asturias. The escort was composed of a Squad of Scouts, a band of Bugles and Timpani and a Cuirassier Division.

The area of the Royal Basilica of Atocha was lined by a section of each branche of the three armed forces and a section of the Civil Guard. In the vicinity of the Royal Basilica of Atocha were lined up: a Company-type Unit, consisting of four Sections of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Civil Guard, with staff drawn from the following units: Army: ‘Inmemorial del Rey’ Infantry Regiment No. 1 (Madrid), Navy: ‘Principe de Asturias’ Aircraft carrier, Navy: ‘Almirante Juan de Borbón’ Frigate, Navy: ‘Reina Sofia’ Frigate, Navy: ‘Infanta Elena’ Deep-sea patrol boat, Navy: ‘Infanta Cristina’ Deep-sea patrol boat, Navy: Madrid Marine Corps Group, Air Force: Air Force Headquarters Group, Air Force: Cuatro Vientos Air Base and the Civil Guard: Valdemoro Young Guards’ School.

Bride and groom were welcomed at the door of the basilica by the Mayor of Madrid, the Cardinal Archbishop of Madrid and the Prior of the Basilica Padre José Antonio Álvarez. Among the guests in the basilica wre the Madrid City Corporation, the Community of Black Friars attached to the basilica, and guests of the City Council, the Parish and others. The pieces of music were sung by the Choir of The Prince of the Asturias Foundation, conducted by José Esteban García Miranda. The carpet which was used during the ceremony was the same as for the wedding of King Alfonso XII in 1878.

Bride and groom went to the altar while the song ‘O Gloriosa Virginum’ by Felipe Pedrell was sung. Upon reaching the High Altar the ceremony begun with a prayer to the Holy Virgin. Afterwards the bridal bouquet was given as an offering and the Cántiga (medieval poem set to music) by Alfonso X ‘Rose of Roses’ was played. After a responsory the Salve Montserratina Chant by T. Breton was sung. While bride and groom left the basilica organist Father Jafet played the verses of Padre Antonio Soler’s Regina Coeli.

The floral decoration inside and outside the basilica was the work of the Spanish Federation of Associations of Producers and Exporters of Fruit, Vegetables, Flowers and Live Plants (FEDEX).

The most important royal events that took place at the Basilica

  • On December 11, 1765, the Prince of Asturias (later King Carlos IV) and his wife María Luisa held the mass of velations (covering of the bride and groom with a veil during the wedding ceremony) in the basilica.
  • On July 19, 1803, the Prince of Asturias (future King Fernando VII) and his first wife María Antonia visited the basilica.
  • On October 21, 1819, King Fernando VII and his third wife María Josefa Amalia went to the sanctuary after the mass of velations.
  • On December 12, 1829, King Fernando VII and his fourth wife María Cristina attended the mass of velations.
  • On October 11, 1846, Queen Isabel II attended the mass of velations the day after her wedding. Queen Isabel II started the pious custom of offering the Infantes born alive to the Virgin of Atocha in 1852.
  • On January 23, 1878, King Alfonso XII married María de las Mercedes Princess of Orléans, who died half a year later.
  • On November 29, 1879, King Alfonso XII married Archduchess Maria Christina of Austria.
  • On the first Saturday of November 1926 King Alfonso XIII presided over the carrying of the image of the Virgin from the Royal Trust to the Buen Suceso to the Royal Basilica of Atocha.
  • Infante Juan Carlos of Spain (now King Juan Carlos I) offered his children the current Prince of Asturias (1968), Infanta Elena (1963) and Infanta Cristina (1965) to the Virgin.
My report

Outside the rain had stopped, so we decided to go to the nearby square where the car would pass on its way to the Royal Basilica of Atocha where the bride was going to offer her wedding bouquet. It still rained a little bit from time to time, but at least we did manage to see bride and groom finally with our own eyes when they drove to the basilica and when they came back. We saw the balcony scene on television in a souvenir shop and then went back to the hotel to watch some television. Soon we found out that people could visit the Royal Basilica of Atocha because there was another wedding going on. We took the risk and walked to the basilica. Like us hundreds of people came to the basilica to have a look at the decoration and take some photos. We managed to get inside where the other wedding still was going on. At the end of the wedding we quickly walked towards the choir and made some pictures, however Letizia’s wedding bouquet wasn’t there anymore. Unfortunately as we soon found out when we came out of the basilica, people liked it very much to steal the flowers outside as a ‘royal wedding souvenir’, so within notime there was hardly a flower left.

On our way back to the hotel we stopped near the Atocha railway station where bride and groom, in memory of the victims of the March 11, 2004, train bombings at Atocha had laid a wreath on an artificial island in the road in front of the station.

Reception at the Royal Palace

After placing the bridal bouquet at the altar of the Royal Basilica of Atocha, bride and groom drove back to the Royal Palace. Upon arrival at the King’s Door the Band of Bagpipe Players of the City of Oviedo and their youth group Vetusta played the anthem of Asturias and the ‘March of May’ especially composed for this occasion. Bride and groom then appeared at the balcony of the Daily Dining Room of the Royal Palace together with their parents as well as the sisters of the groom with husbands. To the big disappointment of the people no kiss followed, just a few hugs. Afterwards they went inside for a few photosessions: one at the Halberdiers Room of bride and groom with their families, another one at the Hall of Columns with the heads of state who attended the wedding and heads and members of royal houses, as well as relatives.

Decoration and tables

The Prince’s Patio and the upper galleries of the Royal Palace where the banquet was held was decorated with tens of tapestries from the 16th, 17th and 18th century and were never before exhibited together. The most important ones hung on large frames behind the main table.

The tapestries belong to the following series:

  • ‘The Loves of Vertumno and Pomona’ series – consisting of nine Flemish 16th century tapestries that were used for the ceremony of the signing of the pre-nuptial agreement between Infanta Anna of Spain and King Louis XIII of France and for the wedding of King Alfonso XII. They represent Ovid’s Fables.
  • ‘The Story of Phaeton’ series – consisting of six tapestries from the Flemish school, made in the first half of the 17th century. They were designed by Alessandro Allori.
  • ‘The Story of the Great Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra – made in Brussels in the 16th century. It represents the female virtues with Zenobia as a symbol for Victory.
  • ‘The Triumphs of Petrarca’ – a lesson on the fleetingness of passions and the triumph of fame and time, made in the workshop of Marc Cretief in Antwerp in 1540.
  • ‘The Conquest of Tunisia’ – consisting of ten tapestries commissioned by Emperor Carlos V in the 16th century and used at the wedding of the later King Felipe II.

The façade overlooking the Plaza de Oriente was decorated with balcony ensigns depicting the coats of arms of the 17 autonomous cumminities, which were especialy commissioned for this event. The Plaza de la Armeriá façade was decorated with those of the capitals of all the Spanish provinces. Inside the Prince’s Patio were three balcony ensigns hanging: an historical one with the coat of arms of King Felipe V, and two modern ones with the coat of arms of King Juan Carlos I and of the Prince of the Asturias.

Under the main dining table lied the old Throne room carpet made by the Royal Tapestry Factory in Madrid in 1829. Next to it were two 19th century carpets, one woven at the Royal Factory during the reign of King Fernando VII. Another carpet was only commissioned in 2002 to the Royal Factory and displays the coat of arms and the monogrammes of King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofia. Another old carpet was woven in the times of Queen Isabel II in the Royal Factory and was used for the first time in 1858.

The high table was decorated with the thirteen pieces of the ‘dessert de estuco’, an exceptional item of the National Heritage collections, which together form a nine-metre ensemble with a base adorned with garlands of leaves and flowers.

The decoration of the surface of the top of this ‘dessert’ is exquisite, with Pompeian designs in shades of blue, red and green. It was made in Madrid around 1790, probably in the Royal Porcelain Factory of Buen Retiro.

Other decorative elements of the high table were the extraordinary originals of the best European 19th century bronzist Pierre-Philippe Thomire. They include dessert dishes, jam pots etc, which were placed around the ‘dessert’.


Puff-Pastry Tartlet with Seafood on a Bed of Scallops
Roast Capon with Thyme and Nuts
Denominación de Origen Rias Baixas – White
Denominación de Origen Rioja – Red 1994 Reserve

The speech of the Prince of Asturias

I imagine it is obvious to all, because I can neither hide it nor wish to: I am a happy man. And I am certain that this is because I have the feeling of seeing and taking part in a dream come true: I have married the woman I love. To combine reason with the strength of love and feeling has always been one of my goals in life. That is why today we are celebrating that Letizia and I are uniting our lives in a communion of love, reponsibility, work, respect and mutual giving. Our union will last forever, and we offer it to our families and above all to our destiny, intimately linked to the future of Spaniards.

We face our future with very deep hope and illusion. To serve Spaniards is the great personal and institutional commitment with which Letizia and I set off on this new stage in our lives.

In it we are sure we will find the lasting happiness that every family seeks and desires. Our hope is to start a family. And we wish to reach the necessary balance between what is public and what is private, between duties – which are for life – and the legitimate and necessary family life; knowing that our lives require enough serenity, dedication, constancy and wisdom to weave together the political life and the human life.

Letizia: little more than a year ago we took the first steps that, with love and serenity, have brought us here. It is not a long time, it is not too short a time, but enough to have discovered mutually, sincerely and transparently, that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. Day by day our knowledge of each other and our mutual respect, our complicity and the way we complement each other, have grown and bolstered what has so strongly led us together and to marriage. It is also very important – and you have told me this many times – that we find in each other the peace necessary to reflect, enjoy, and share eveything that makes us grow as persons, that makes us proud and helps ut withstand the intensity of our lives. And it is even more important because it must be the fount of family harmony and happiness. I have no doubts that we will achieve this.

Ladies and gentlement:

Today Letizia and I made a commitment that transcends the merely personal. Ever since childhood I have been conscious of my responsibilities, and loyalty to the King and my sense of duty have guided my life. So I take pride that from this day on, and with conviction and responsibility, Letizia joins me in this project. And I want everybody to know how grateful I am to Letizia for her determination and her wholehearted commitment to all that this project entails.

On the road we must travel we have before us the invaluable example of their Majesties the King and Queen: His Majesty the King, who together with a generatio of great patriots achieved the reconciliation of Spaniards, had the leading role in the establishment and consolidation of democracy, and has carried out impeccably his constitutional duties. Her Majesty the Queen, with her unfailing and permanent support for the King, her responsibility, accessability, and her example. Both of them have made the Crown an institution that serves Spain and that has become beloved and respected by SPaniards.

And although circumstances, and people, may be different, my vocation to continue with this model and with their example of service is firm and unyielding.. It springs from the intimate conviction and my permanent commitment that the Crown continue to contribute to the institutional stability of Spain, to the integration and cohesion of Spaniards, and to act as a guaratee of their liberty and progress.

Your Majesty: Never doubt that we will always think of Spain and that all our lives will be dedicated to the welfare of Spaniards.

Today we have sealed our love before God and society; you are all witnesses to that, and to how authentic it is. That is why we are specially happy to share with you, with Madrilenos and with all Spaniards, such a crucial moment in our lives.

We wish to express our gratitude for the constant tokens of affection and generosity that have arrived from so many parts of Spain, and even from outside our country. Also the affection, the efforts and the dedication of the institutions and the thousands of people who have contributed to the good outcome of these days of celebration. It is not possible, but we wish we could show these people our gratitude personally. It has also not proven possible to have with us so many people who are special to us, and to whom we sent our affectionate greetings from here.

In this chapter of thanks and memories we wish to have a spcial mention for our families. We are partly the result of their efforts and throughout these months they have given us their support and understanding, which have been vital props and will continue to be so. Beside, we would never have reached this point without their help, and that of other people, among whom I especially want to single out my sisters, the Infantas, and their husbands. Above all, it would have been impossible without their Majesties. As a son I have had much to thank them for throughout my life.

Today, on my wedding day, I want to publicly acknowledge and express my deepest appreciation for their unceasing affection and support. It is not possible to understand my happiness without theirs. Today I have acquired two more parents and two more sisters, and four grandparents – for my granparents are no longer with us. From them I continue to draw inspiration and my memories of them accompny me and fill me with pride. From hers I receive a warm closeness and the valuable experience of their lives. Accept my respectful and affectionate gratitude.

M for Madrid, May and Memories; The departed will always be with us, those who criminally and brutally were not allowed to continue living their dreams and hardships, and also those who lost loves ones and who cannot enjoy with them, freely and civically, this Spring in Madrid that embraces us and lifts our spirits.

In the presence of those we remember, allow me to offer a toast to Letizia, their Majesties the King and Queen, and Spain.

The speech of King Juan Carlos of Spain

I would like to thank you all very much for your presence and affection in sharing the deep emotion of this day with my family. Thank you also for the very generous expressions of affection the Spanish people are giving us.

From the deepest of my heart I would like to express the great illusion I felt while waiting for this party, an illusion I especially share with the Queen and also with all of my family.

Today I am feeling a great happiness, always difficult to hide, as a father and as a King.

Dearest Letizia, we receive you with open arms and with great affection inside our family. Thank you for the great joy Felipe and you have given today with your marriage. The Queen and I wish you both a life full of happiness and expectations.

Your marriage was born out of love and is from the mutual commitment also a symbol of hope, a seed of dynastic continuation and a guarantee of stability for the Parliamentary Monarchy that our Constitution establishes.

As a King I think that Felipe and Letizia will always be able to perform with rectitude, force and example their commitments and responsibilities, first as Princes of Asturias and when the moment will come, also as King and Queen.

Always think about Spain and dedicate, with love and devotion, the best of your efforts to the Spanish people, to keep alive their hopes, share their illusions and always share with them your feelings and difficulties. I believe that we are warmed up with the passion of serving this great country, different and plural, pride of his union of democracy and freedom.

Thanks to the Government for its loving institutional declaration that was issued yesterday and for its decisive support for the good development of this celebration. Thank you also for the affection of all the Institutions and Autonomous Communities represented here, in particular to the District of Madrid and its citizens for demonstrating such a big kindness and affection for this marriage.

Now I ask you all to drink with me for the happiness of Their Royal Highnesses the Princes of Asturias, for their familiar offspring and for the institutional continuation that they incarnate. May be their happiness our happiness forever.

The wedding dress and other attires

Wedding dress

The wedding gown was designed by Manuel Pertegaz. The design of the wedding gown was inspired by the ‘Princess Line’ and has a continuous shoulder-to-floor cut. The upper part, tapered with sleeves, extends gracefully from the waist and flows into a train measuring 4.50 metres from the hip. Its apparent simplicity implies the complex and difficult task of the pattern; like a puzzle in which each piece and every stitch blend together ever mindful of the length and width of the train as well as the weight of the gown.

The v-neck and “corolla” neckline is embroidered with silver and gold thread, deliberately stitched on both sides as is the open back and both sides of the sleeve frills. This thread also adorns the front in the form of a pyramid from the bottom up and encircling the edge of the gown.

A much taller and wider version of the pyramid motif can also be found in the centre of the train with the beautiful allegoric embroidering of a heraldic motif: the fleur- de-lis flower, the heraldic fleur-de-lis, ears of wheat, clover and the fruit of the strawberry tree comprise this ensemble.

The material used for the gown is natural silk woven three-fold with silver thread; an exclusive creation of the Valencian firm Rafael Catalá.


The nuptial shawl is triangular, three metres long by two metres wide at its base. It is of natural, warp-knitted tulle silk, off-white and hand-embroidered, following a 19th century technique, with garlands interspersed with the fleur-de-lis and ears of wheat. This was a personal gift from the Prince.


Cotton organza, hand-embroidered with fleur-de-lis, iris flowers, and ears of wheat encircling the arms of the Prince of Asturias.


The platinum and diamond, imperial-style diademe belongs to Queen Sofia of Spain who wore it on the day of her wedding in 1962 and on the occasion of a number of family celebrations and official ceremonies. From its origins it has formed a part of dynastic weddings. Kaiser William II gave it to his daughter, Princess Victoria of Prussia as a wedding gift when she married the Crown Prince of Hannover, Ernst August. Their daughter, Queen Federica, received it from her mother when she married the then Prince Paul of Greece and, in turn, passed it down to her daughter, Princess Sofia when she married His Majesty the King when he was the Prince of Asturias in 1962.


The earrings were a gift from Their Majesties to Doña Letizia. They are platinum rings with six, 2.44-carat, pear-shaped diamonds, two sparkling, 1.22-carat diamonds and two sparkling, 4.54-carat diamonds.


Dating to the end of the 19th century, English style, mother of pearl ribs and 17th century Venice-style lacing. It was restored for this occasion by National Heritage and once belonged to Princess Isabel of Bourbon, a very popular member of the Court known as the “Chata”. It was chosen personally by Doña Letizia to pay special homage to Madrid and its most illustrious citizens, the Spanish Royal Family.


The shoes were designed especially for the wedding by Pura López.

Bridal Bouquet

The cascade bouquet comprised of: irises with the emblem of the Bourbon Kings, roses, flower of the month of May, orange blossoms, in honour of the Countess of Barcelona and Doña María de las Mercedes of Orleans and Bourbon, the first wife of His Majesty Don Alfonso XII, apple blossoms, in honour of the Principality of Asturias and interestingly it is also the flower of Our Lady of Atocha, ears of wheat to symbolise fertility, hope and joy. They are also an attribute of Our Lady of Almudena, Saint Isidore the Farmer (Patron Saint of Madrid) and the traditional goddess of Cibeles.

The groom’s attire

The Prince of Asturias wore the full dress uniform of a Commander of the Spanish Army. The suit consists of a blue military jacket with white collar and sleeves, navy blue trousers with two small pockets and a black silk trim, white gloves and black shoes and hat. The front of the jacket is decorated with seven gold buttons which are engraved with the shield of the army and the royal crown. The shoulders are adorned with braids that have been interweaved with gold thread to form a figure of eight. Over his jacket the prince wore a red full-dress sash which was knotted and decorated with two gold tassels. The Commander emblem is depicted on this same sash. An eight point star, corresponding to the rank of Commander was embroidered on the cuffs in French gold thread. The emblem of the Infantry – two crossed rifles and a cornet – is found on the collar of the military jacket and the San Hermenegildo band and the Golden Fleece (an ancient order use by the Spanish monarchs as a symbol of their sovereignty) can be found on the chest. The suit was made by the Prince of Asturias tailor, Cecilio Serna.

Medals: Insignia of the Order of the Golden Fleece, Grand Cross Collar of the Order of Charles III (Badge and Star) and the Grand Crosses for Military, Naval and Aeronautic Merit with distinction

Bridal staff

The Pages and Flower Girls

  • Felipe Juan de Marichalar y de Borbón
  • Victoria Federica de Marichalar y de Borbón
  • Juan Valentin Urdangarín y de Borbón
  • Pablo Nicolas Urdangarín y de Borbón
  • Miguel Urdangarín y de Borbón
  • Victoria López Quesada Borbón Dos Sicilias
  • Carla Vigo Ortiz


  • Ana Codorniu Álvarez de Toledo
  • Claudia González Ortiz


The dresses and suits of the pages, flower girl’s and bridesmaids were designed by Lorenzo Caprile, and inspired on paintings by particularly Goya from the Spanish 18th century. The two smallest pages’ attires consisted of shirt, trousers and yellow silk sash tied at the waist. The attires are inspired on the ones worn by the children of the Duke and Duchess of Osuna an Infante Francisco de Paula on paintings in the Prado Museum. The older boys wore a suit reproducing 18th century male attire: jacket, doublet, equivalent to waistcoat and breeches, short tie and frill and buckle shoes. The little girls’ dresses were composed of a bodice with a round collar and French sleeves, with appliqués in lace and ribbons, and a skirt or basquiña with a typical Spanish yellow sash tied at the waist.

The bridesmaids dresses were inspired on those of ladies-in-waiting from the 18th century, and consisted of a bodice decorated with ribbons and pleats, and a skirt or basquiña. They wore an embroidered shawl and apron, manoletina shoes and hairnets. The garland carried by the children is an ancient symbol of joy, abundance and happiness, and contains references to Spanish traditions like the children of May which is celebrated in May.

Palace Hotel, Madrid, 23 May 2004

The last hours before leaving Madrid we started to make a walk in the neighbourhood of our hotel. Soon Christine and I ended up at the nearby Palace Hotel where several guests started leaving. As we hadn’t seen much of the wedding guests we decided to stay and thus managed to see several royals that were known to us. Although there were a few other people, including some press, we were the ones to recognise most guests.


The family of the groom

  • King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofia of Spain
  • Infanta Elena of Spain Duchess of Lugo and Don Jaime de Marichalar Duke of Lugo
  • Infanta Cristina of Spain Duchess of Palma de Mallorca and Don Iñaki Urdangarín Duke of Palma de Mallorca
  • Infanta Pilar of Spain Duchess of Badajoz
  • Doña Simoneta Gómez-Acebo y de Borbón and Don José Miguel Fernández Sastrón
  • Don Juan Gómez-Acebo y de Borbón Viscount de la Torre and Doña Gabriela de la Rosa
  • Don Bruno Gómez-Acebo y de Borbón and Doña Bárbara Cano de la Plaza
  • Don Beltrán Gómez-Acebo y de Borbón and Doña Laura Ponte Martínez
  • Don Fernando Gómez-Acebo y de Borbón and Doña Mónica Fernán y Luque
  • Infanta Margarita of Spain Duchess of Soria and Don Carlos Zurita Doña
  • María Zurita y de Borbón
  • Don Alfonso Zurita y de Borbón
  • Don Luís Alfonso de Borbón y Martínez-Bordiú
  • Doña Emanuela Pratolongo

The family of the bride

  • Don Jesús Ortiz Álvarez
  • Doña Paloma Rocasolano
  • Doña Telma Ortiz Rocasolano
  • Doña Érika Ortiz Rocasolano and Don Antonio Vigo
  • Doña Menchu Álvarez del Valle and Don José Luis Ortiz Velasco
  • Doña Henar Ortiz Álvarez
  • Don Francisco Rocasolano
  • Doña Enriqueta Rodríguez
  • Don Alfonso Rocasolano Lláser
  • Doña Valerie Chrastek
  • Doña Abigail Rocasolano Lláser
  • Don Juan José Morueco Clemente
  • Don Francisco Rocasolano Rodríquez
  • Doña María Concepción Lláser Moyano

Royal guests

  • Sheikh Mohammed (or Abdullah) bin Zayed al-Nahyan of Abu Dhabi
  • Prince Karim Aga Khan IV and Begum Inaara Aga Khan
  • Duke and Duchess of Aosta
  • Duke of Apulia
  • Archduke Karl and Archduchess Francesca of Austria
  • Archduke Georg and Archduchess Eilika of Austria
  • Duke de Santangelo and Duchess de Santangelo née Archduchess Monika of Austria
  • Archduke Carl-Christian and Archduchess Marie-Astrid of Austria
  • Archduchess Catharina of Austria and Massimiliano Count Secco d’Aragona
  • Archduke Philipp of Austria
  • Archduchess Sophie of Austria and Prince Hugo zu Windisch-Graetz
  • Archduke Maximilian of Austria
  • Archduke Martin and Archduchess Katharina of Austria-Este
  • Countess Immaculata von und zu Hoensbroech née Princess of Austria-Tuscany (?)
  • Margrave Max and Margravinne Valerie von Baden
  • Don Juan de Bagration y Ulloa and Doña Floriane del Río y Thorn
  • Sheikh Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa of Bahrain and Sheikha Halaa Bint Daij Al Khalifa of Bahrain
  • Duke Franz of Bavaria
  • Princess Tessa of Bavaria
  • King Albert II and Queen Paola of the Belgians
  • Prince Philippe and Princess Mathilde of Belgium Duke and Duchess of Brabant
  • Princess Astrid of Belgium and Prince Lorenz of Belgium, Archduchess and Archduke of Austria-Este
  • Prince Laurent andPrincess Claire of Belgium
  • Queen Fabiola of Belgium
  • Duke and Duchess of Calabria (Carlos and Anne)
  • Princess Cristina of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and Don Pedro López Quesada
  • The Duke of Noto and Doña Sofía Landaluce y Melgarejo
  • Princess Inès of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and Nob. Michele Carrelli Palombi
  • Princess Victoria of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and Mr Markos Nomikos
  • Princess Maria Margherita of Bourbon-Two Sicilies
  • Princess Maria Immaculata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies
  • Prince Casimiro and Princess Maria Christina of Bourbon-Two Sicilies
  • Duke and Duchess of Bragança
  • Crown Prince Kardam and Crown Princess Miriam of Bulgaria
  • Prince Kyril and Princess Rosario of Bulgaria
  • Prince Kubrat and Princess Carla of Bulgaria
  • Prince Konstantin and Princess María of Bulgaria
  • Princess Kalina of Bulgaria and Don Kitín Muñoz Valcárcel
  • Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik of Denmark
  • King Constantine II and Queen Anne-Marie of Greece
  • Princess Alexia of Greece and Don Carlos Morales Quintana
  • Crown Prince Pavlos and Crown Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece
  • Prince Nikolaos of Greece
  • Princess Theodora of Greece
  • Princess Irene of Greece
  • Prince Heinrich and Princess Thyra von Hannover
  • Princess Alexandra von Hannover
  • Landgrave Moritz von Hessen
  • Hereditary Prince Donatus and Hereditary Princess Floria von Hessen
  • Count Ferdinando Brachetti-Peretti
  • Sheikh Nasser Mohammed Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah of Kuwait
  • Shahbanou Farah of Iran
  • Shah Reza and Princess Yasmine of Iran
  • Crown Prince Naruhito of Japan
  • Queen Rania of Jordan
  • Queen Noor of Jordan
  • Princess Raiyah of Jordan (?)
  • Princess Muna Al Hussein of Jordan
  • Prince Faisal bin Hussein and Princess Alia Al Faisal of Jordan
  • Princess Sarvath El Hassan of Jordan
  • Prince Rashid Bin El Hassan of Jordan
  • Prince Talal bin Mohammed and Princess Ghida Al Talal of Jordan
  • Prince Hans Adam II of Liechtenstein
  • Prince Nikolaus and Princess Margaretha of Liechtenstein
  • Princess Nora of Liechtenstein
  • Prince Alois-Konstantin and Princess Anastasia zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg
  • Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg
  • Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume of Luxembourg
  • Prince Jean of Luxembourg
  • Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg
  • Donna Giovanna dei Conti Marone
  • Don Luis Sánchez Merlo y Ruiz
  • Donna Maria Teresa dei Conti Marone
  • Hereditary Prince Albert of Monaco
  • Princess Caroline of Monaco (both days) and Prince Ernst August of Hannover (only on May 21 and at the lunch)
  • Prince Moulay Rachid of Morocco
  • Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands (only on May 21)
  • The Prince of Orange and Princess Máxima of the Netherlands
  • Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands
  • King Harald V and Queen Sonja of Norway
  • Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway
  • Princess Märtha Louise of Norway and Mr Ari Behn
  • Sayyed Haytham bin Tariq Al Said of Oman
  • Béatrice d’Orléans Comtesse d’Evreux
  • Princess Clotilde d’Orléans and Mr Édouard Crépy
  • Princess Adelaïde d’Orléans and Mr Pierre Louis Dailly
  • Prince François d’Orléans
  • Prince Pedro Carlos de Orléans e Bragança
  • Doña Maria da Glória de Orléans e Bragança
  • Don Manuel de Orléans e Bragança
  • Doña Teresa de Orléans e Bragança
  • Mrs Elizabeth Martorell
  • Don Alvaro Jaime de Orleans-Borbón y Parodi Delfino
  • Doña Giovanna San Martino d’Aglie di San Germano
  • Prince Jaime de Bourbon de Parme
  • Princess Carolina de Bourbon de Parme
  • Princess Alicia de Bourbon de Parme
  • Prince Georg Friedrich of Prussia
  • Sheikh Joaan Bin Hamad Al Thani of Qatar
  • King Michael of Romania
  • Crown Princess Margarita and Prince Radu of Romania
  • Grand Duchess Maria of Russia
  • Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud of Saudi Arabia
  • Prince Vittorio Emanuele and Prince Marina of Savoy
  • Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy Prince of Venice and Princess Clotilde of Savoy
  • Prince Gustav zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg
  • Princess Alexandra zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg and Count Jefferson-Friedrich von Pfeil und Klein-Ellguth
  • King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden
  • Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden
  • Prince Carl Philip of Sweden
  • Princess Madeleine of Sweden
  • Mr Gustaf Magnuson
  • Hereditary Count Ignaz and Hereditary Countess Robinia zu Toerring-Jettenbach
  • Donna Sandra Torlonia Countess Lequio di Assaba
  • Don Marco Torlonia Prince of Civitella-Cesi
  • Donna Blazena Torlonia Princess of Civitella-Cesi
  • Donna Olimpia Weiller née Torlonia
  • The Prince of Wales
  • Duke Eberhard von Württemberg

Other guests

  • Doña Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart y Silva Duchess de Alba de Tormes
  • Don Alfonso Martínez de Irujo y Fitz-James Stuart Duke de Aliaga
  • Don José María Aznar López
  • Doña Ana Botella
  • Frey Andrew W. N. Bertie Prince and Grand Master of the Malteser Order
  • Mr Enrique Bolaños Geyer, President of Nicaragua
  • Mrs Lila T. Abaunza de Bolaños
  • Doña Carmen Franco Polo Duchess de Franco
  • Don Felipe González Márquez
  • Doña Carmen Romero López
  • Mr Václav Havel and Mrs Dagmar Havel
  • Mr Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela and Mrs Graça Machel
  • Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kazachstan, and Mrs Aliya Nazarbayeva
  • Mr Andrés Pastrana Arango, former president of Colombia, and Mrs Nohra Puyana de Pastrana
  • Don Manuel Pertegaz Ibáñez
  • Mr Johannes Rau, President of Germany, and Mrs Christina Rau
  • Doña Maria Concepción Sáenz de Tejada, Countess Dowager de Ripalda
  • Don Juan Antonio Samaranch
  • Mr Jorge Sampaio, President of Portugal
  • Mrs María José Ritta de Sampaio
  • Don Juan María Urdangarín Berriotxoa and Doña Claire Liebaert Courtin
  • Don Álvaro Uribe Vélez, President of Colombia
  • Don José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero
  • Doña Sonsoles Espinosa

NB: Not all royals and other guests listed might have been there. Some are taken from the official seating list provided by the royal court. However that list was created several weeks before the wedding, thus there might have been changes. I also noted some guests that were not on the list.

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