Learn without limits – Future Learn

Some time ago I discovered this great website Future Learn, that offers quite good courses for free. Whatever you like there is a course for you, often offered by a real university. Some courses are somewhat longer than others, from two to maybe even ten weeks long. Almost every course offers an upgrade when you want to have unlimited access instead of access for only a few weeks, if you want to take part in course tests or want a certificate of achievement or a statement of participation. You can always discuss with other students from all over the world. And even better you don’t necessarily need to study intensively if you have no time.

I have taken part in a few courses now, but find I hardly manage to find time for them. What I do is copy texts and some other material to Word, so hopefully I can have a better look at it later on. The courses are divided into weeks and contain videos, audios, articles, pictures and even quizes. You’re free to ask questions and discus with other participants.

If you want to start learning a language Future Learn might offer a course. I also saw some interesting writing and genealogy courses, as well as historical ones. Thus far I’ve tried to follow History of Royal Food, Royal Fashion, The Tudors and a course about the Stuarts. But actually they offer so many subjects that you can just choose whatever interests you. If you’re lucky a course will be repeated after a while, or there will be a new one following the previous one. Right now they’re halfway The Tudors and you can still join. If there is nothing that interests you right now, there might well be something in the future, so keep on looking.

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